Collaboration captures the employee engagement pulse, with 10x more participation over traditional tools

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Employee engagement is crucial to an organization’s health. A regular measure of engagement levels can provide insights on important questions like if your teams enjoy and care about their work, and if they are invested in the company’s future. And a highly engaged workforce can increase innovation, productivity, and can directly impact bottom-line performance.

However, the execution of employee engagement strategies involves many teams, and keeping everyone coordinated and in the loop is a constant challenge. It’s even more so when your company is growing.

This was the challenge a customer, one of Asia’s rapidly growing SaaS companies, was facing. The company with over 3000 employees has expanded its presence across 7 offices in 3 countries from a single location and, nearly 30% of its workforce is now working remotely either from customer/client offices or from workspaces. Reaching this diverse, dispersed and growing workforce, whether it was to broadcast important information, or to propel participation in feedback surveys, or to enroll employees in a new health insurance plan was proving ineffective with existing channels and tools like email, face to face sessions, virtual town halls and more.

How Collaboration Drastically Improved Response rate and Enrolments to Employee Engagement Initiatives

The customer was looking for ways to reach out to its entire workforce through one unified and highly engaging channel. Collaboration, a secure and intelligent enterprise collaboration platform provided the perfect solution.

Unified Workplace collaboration and engagement

Collaboration unifies workplace engagement, communication, and collaboration in a single platform. It augments traditional channels of engagement by making conversations contextual, intuitive and fast. It engages the entire workforce in a single place and enables working in teams. Cross-functional, remote and external teams can chat, manage tasks, align on ideas, share files and work more efficiently. Collaboration not only helps teams work together, but it also aligns conversations to business objectives to keep the focus on what’s important.

Entire Workforce Engaged Through System Generated Groups

The customer leveraged system-generated groups, a functionality that is unique to Collaboration. These are automated, self-managed groups based on predefined rules. Unlimited system-generated groups can be defined, basis roles, designations, teams, or for the entire workforce. And any number of members can be admitted. With HRMS integration the group auto-identifies and adds new employees and deletes exiting employees.

The customer used these groups to broadcast information (policy changes, events, reminders, etc.), run quick polls, enroll employees in official plans (opt-in/out for insurance plans, payroll and investment options, etc.), and engaged both on-site and remote employees with organization-wide activities.

Employee Satisfaction Survey Augmented with Quick Pulse Polls

The annual employee pulse survey was now augmented with quick weekly pulse polls. These polls periodically captured employee morale, state of mind, feedback regarding various aspects and functions, while enabling ongoing engagement.

These polls were rolled out through self-managed groups like ‘All Employees’, ‘Singapore Employees’, ‘Managers and Above’, and more.

ps-Employee Satisfaction

10x increase in response rate to Opt-ins for Company-Wide Payroll Plans

Another area the company saw tremendous results were enrolling employees to companywide plans like health insurance, Mediclaim and payroll benefits. For instance, the company rolled out the option for enrolling parents to an existing policy through email. Even with multiple reminders, only close to 50 out of 3000 employees opened the email with no actual opt-ins.

Later Collaboration ‘All Employees’ group was leveraged to first inform employees of the policy and its benefits, and then subsequently a timed quick poll was run to gauge the interest levels. Surprisingly close to 500 employees responded to the timed survey, and nearly 200 employees consequently opted-in for the policy.

Later Collaboration ‘All Employees’

Why Collaboration Worked over well-established traditional tools?

Even in the past, traditional tools have been unable to create avenues to drive engagement and effective communication at work. Most employees consider meetings a hindrance to productivity. And, even though email has been front-ending business communication for nearly two decades, employees struggle through ineffectively sifting, prioritizing, and replying nearly 123 emails every day.

The growth of instant messaging and texting for personal communication is now entering the workplace as well- as per Deloitte Human Capital trends phone-based conversations and face to face meetings are down by 30% and 44% respectively, whereas instant messaging, work-based social media and collaboration platforms have grown by 62%, 69%, and 70% respectively.

Moreover, Collaboration brings in the user experience employees are experiencing through personal tech to the workplace. It delivers information and comments in real-time while inciting responses from numerous users. All data is easily accessible and searchable. As a bonus, Collaboration is incredibly intuitive for most of the workforce regardless of industry, thanks to employees’ familiarity with similar consumer-based product tools.

Payroll and HR are at the core of every organization. With new-age workforce distributed across geographies, organizations are grappling with multiple payroll processes, numerous pay-components, and inconsistent tax and compliance handling. Payroll provides intelligent payroll management solution for building smarter workplaces.

Get in touch with our payroll and compliance executive to know more about Payroll and how we can manage your payroll better.

Picture of Vipul Mathur

Vipul Mathur

Country Leader - Middle East, PeopleStrong

An experienced leader with over 20 years in business, he drives PeopleStrong's growth in the Middle East. A biking enthusiast, he enjoys riding his Royal Enfield and cooking for friends and family.

Picture of Vipul Mathur

Vipul Mathur

Country Leader - Middle East, PeopleStrong

An experienced leader with over 20 years in business, he drives PeopleStrong's growth in the Middle East. A biking enthusiast, he enjoys riding his Royal Enfield and cooking for friends and family.

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