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About HR Key Performance Indicator

August 4, 2023

As HR departments become increasingly strategic, the ability to track, measure, and analyze performance is paramount.

What are HR KPIs?

KPIs, in the context of HR, are specific and measurable metrics that HR departments use to gauge their effectiveness in various areas, from recruitment to employee engagement and retention. These indicators provide data-driven insights into how well HR is achieving its objectives.

Why Use KPIs?

Informed Decision Making: KPIs provide tangible data, enabling HR leaders to make evidence-based decisions.

Alignment with Organizational Goals: They ensure HR efforts are aligned with broader business objectives.

Identifying Areas of Improvement: Through KPIs, HR can pinpoint processes that may need refinement or overhaul.

Demonstrating HR Value: By showcasing tangible results and improvements, HR can highlight its strategic value to the organization.

Common Examples of KPIs

Time to Fill: Measures the number of days from job posting to job acceptance.

Turnover Rate: Shows the rate at which employees leave the company.

Training Costs: Represents the total costs associated with employee development and training.

Employee Engagement: Can be gauged through surveys and feedback mechanisms.

Cost per Hire: The total cost of hiring a new employee, considering advertising, interviews, screenings, and other recruitment efforts.

Benefits of Using KPIs

Enhanced Accountability: With clear metrics, HR departments can be held accountable for their performance.

Better Resource Allocation: KPIs can reveal where resources (both time and money) are best spent.

Proactive Problem-Solving: Regularly tracking KPIs can help HR departments identify issues before they become larger problems.

Clear Communication: KPIs offer a straightforward way for HR to communicate its progress and challenges to stakeholders.

Challenges of using KPIs

Data Accuracy: KPIs are only as good as the data they’re based on. Inaccurate data can lead to misguided decisions.

Setting Unrealistic KPIs: Goals should be ambitious yet achievable. Overly aggressive KPIs can demoralize staff or lead to shortcuts.

Interpreting KPIs in Isolation: It’s essential to view KPIs holistically. For instance, a low turnover rate is generally positive, but if paired with low employee engagement, it might suggest employees are staying for reasons other than job satisfaction

Following is a comparator of KPIs with other popular performance management frameworks:

Framework Definition Usage & Application Goal Frequency
KPI (Key Performance Indicators) Specific metrics gauging performance or progress towards a strategic objective Used across business departments to monitor progress on set metrics. Numbers-driven and quantitative. Monitoring and quantifying performance. Typically Annual
OKR (Objectives and Key Results)


A goal-setting framework with broad goals (Objectives) and specific metrics (Key Results). Adopted by companies for ambitious goals rather than strict metrics. Bridges the gap between quantitative and qualitative Achieving aspirational targets Typically Quarterly
MBO A management model emphasizing collaborative goal-setting between managers and employees. Emphasizes mutually agreed upon objectives with performance reviews based on set objectives. Departmental or individual performance focus Collaborative objective-setting and review Annual
BSC A metric evaluating performance across four areas: Financial, Customer, Internal Process, and Learning & Growth Provides a comprehensive view of organizational health across multiple dimensions. Primarily organizational-wide focus. Achieving balanced organizational performance Annual
360-Degree Feedback A feedback process where employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from peers and superiors. Holistic personal development tool with qualitative feedback from peers, subordinates, supervisors, etc. Emphasizes qualitative growth and areas for improvement Holistic personal and professional development Annual, but requires a lot of effort
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